RGB Alimentare is a project developed for Triennale di Milano under the supervision of Professor Riccardo Blumer during EXPO 2015. The name of the laboratory exhibition is Ceramics of Italy and is precisely from the theory of the mixing of ceramics that unites food and color that RGB is born. Starting from a simple and transparent liquid like water we release three food dyes: red, green and blue, which by osmosis will give life to different composition every time, thank to the two types of vibration generated by the vibrating sieve where the ceramic plate was glued. Unirsm (Università degli Studi di San Marino, Iuav) Industrial Design Team: Giulia Josè Conte - Arturo Testerini - Matteo Marani - Valerio Ciarimboli - Dario Grenci client: Confindustria Ceramica