"Aura" is light concept design for the "Statale di Milano" developed during the course called Scenografie di Luce. In occasion of the annual Salone del Mobile, the course brief is to design an innovative way to light up in the night this place. The shape of the work contributes to transform the perception of the place for the visitors, creating with an immaterial volume, as light is, a physical element as a floor. The dichotomy between matter and non-matter gives origin to an architectural plan located between the ground floor and the first floor of the structure. The Ca Granda's Honor Courtyard shines through the laser beams of light, in different shades of the RGB scale. Darkness is an intrinsic element of the installation, luminous beams are reflected thank to mirror, which compete to complete the iridescent composition. Team: Giulia Josè Conte - Valentina Tamiazzo - Chiara Stopponi Politecnico di Milano-Product Design for Innovation client: INTERNI (monthly design and architecture magazine)